The life journey: our school

The life journey: our school

Waking up from “the bubble” is like a roller coaster, but consciously. Would I go back and NOT TAKE “THE RED PILL” and it all would be like it was before? The “normal ” way of life: wake up, go to work, come back, watch TV, news, go to sleep and next day the same. Is that enough to be happy and fullfilled? …

The power of Wadi Rum Desert

The power of Wadi Rum Desert

Every time I am here, I am amazed by its beauty and by its power. It is not only the marvelous nature that makes you love this place. It is their people, the food, the stories, the peace, the silence, the million stars, the beautiful sun, the powerful energy that you will LOVE. I wish you can love this Wadi Rum desert as much as I love it…

Did I kill a scorpion in Wadi Rum desert?

Did I kill a scorpion in Wadi Rum desert?

Me in Wadi Rum desert, somewhere in the protected area in the Bedouin Tent, far from camps and even further from any civilization 😀Alone, late afternoon, almost time when it gets dark. My bed prepared (always before it gets dark and before I don`t see a thing 😅.So, I am walking around and preparing to go and relax in my bed (the view is really spectacular, and when the stars come out it is : WOWWWWWWW view), when I see this …

What to pack for the desert

What to pack for the desert

What to pack in your suitcase for the desert adventure? Desert is my second home and packing little but much is my specialty. Any desert is a journey of a thousand and one adventures, like life itself. To enjoy it in the best way, here are some of my recommendations what you should/could take if traveling to the desert, since equipping yourself well will help you enrich your trip.

Dlaczego Pustynia Wadi Rum w Jordanii

Dlaczego Pustynia Wadi Rum w Jordanii

Na pustyni Wadi Rum w Jordanii na prawdę masz wrażenie ze jesteś na innej planecie. Tutaj na prawdę widzisz jaki człowiek jest malutki na tej naszej ślicznej planecie ziemi, i jak olbrzymi jest nasz kosmos… Jest pustka ale jest tez obfitość. A w drodze do namiotu: spójrz w górę i się nie przestrasz tyloma gwiazdami!!!!! Nie spadną!…