by karolinakiwerska | Oct 3, 2022 | Adventure, Authentic, awareness, Desert, Jordan, kkonscious, MiddleEast, Nature, packing, presencehealer, pustynia, suitcase, trips with KK, viajar con KK, wadirum, Workshop
What to pack in your suitcase for the desert adventure? Desert is my second home and packing little but much is my specialty. Any desert is a journey of a thousand and one adventures, like life itself. To enjoy it in the best way, here are some of my recommendations what you should/could take if traveling to the desert, since equipping yourself well will help you enrich your trip.
by karolinakiwerska | May 29, 2022 | Adventure, Authentic, awareness, Desert, Food, Jordan, kkonscious, MiddleEast, Nature, pustynia, trips with KK, viajar con KK, wadirum, Workshop
Na pustyni Wadi Rum w Jordanii na prawdę masz wrażenie ze jesteś na innej planecie. Tutaj na prawdę widzisz jaki człowiek jest malutki na tej naszej ślicznej planecie ziemi, i jak olbrzymi jest nasz kosmos… Jest pustka ale jest tez obfitość. A w drodze do namiotu: spójrz w górę i się nie przestrasz tyloma gwiazdami!!!!! Nie spadną!…
by Karolina Kiwerska | May 22, 2022 | Adventure, Authentic, awareness, Desert, Jordan, kkonscious, MiddleEast, trips with KK, viajar con KK, wadirum
Traveling is the best way to reset. Lately we might be scared of all the restrictions: but it is not the case. Here I give you a list which papers are needed to enter Jordan without any trouble.
by karolinakiwerska | Jun 18, 2021 | Adventure, Authentic, awareness, Desert, Jordan, kkonscious, MiddleEast, Retiro, Retreat, shamanic, trips with KK, viajar con KK, VisionQuest, wadirum
I was alone. No one to please, no one to talk to, no one to listen to, just me. Wow. I had my princess bed outside in the middle of the camp. The stars, the darkness, the silence, some animals making noise. Who is That???