by karolinakiwerska | Jan 8, 2025 | Adventure, Authentic, awareness, chamanismo, Egipto Sinai, healing, magiKK, Monte Sinai, Retiro, Retreat, viajar con KK
He llegado al Monte Sinaí, al mítico Jabal Musa, la montaña sagrada, la montaña de Moisés. ¿Que si creo en las historias? ¿Que si no? Da igual…No recuerdo cuándo fue la primera vez que sentí esa conexión especial con el Monte Sinaí. Mientras muchos sueñan primero con las pirámides de Egipto, yo siempre tuve claro que antes debía llegar a esta montaña…
by karolinakiwerska | Mar 28, 2024 | Authentic, awareness, chamanismo, Desert, healing, Jordan, kkonscious, magiKK, MiddleEast, Nature, presencehealer, pustynia, Retiro, Retreat, Roadtrips, shamanic, trips with KK, viajar con KK, wadirum, Workshop
Waking up from “the bubble” is like a roller coaster, but consciously. Would I go back and NOT TAKE “THE RED PILL” and it all would be like it was before? The “normal ” way of life: wake up, go to work, come back, watch TV, news, go to sleep and next day the same. Is that enough to be happy and fullfilled? …
by karolinakiwerska | Sep 27, 2023 | Adventure, Authentic, awareness, chamanismo, Desert, Food, healing, Jordan, kkonscious, magiKK, MiddleEast, presencehealer, pustynia, Retiro, Retreat, shamanic, trips with KK, viajar con KK, wadirum, Workshop
Every time I am here, I am amazed by its beauty and by its power. It is not only the marvelous nature that makes you love this place. It is their people, the food, the stories, the peace, the silence, the million stars, the beautiful sun, the powerful energy that you will LOVE. I wish you can love this Wadi Rum desert as much as I love it…
by karolinakiwerska | Aug 30, 2022 | Adventure, Authentic, awareness, chamanismo, healing, kkonscious, Nature, presencehealer, Retreat, shamanic, trips with KK, viajar con KK, water
…And as I was standing there, watching the sea, at a water level that was comfortable for me, suddenly I could see out of nowhere this wave being formed and approaching me and growing bigger and bigger and I could feel…
by karolinakiwerska | Jun 18, 2021 | Adventure, Authentic, awareness, Desert, Jordan, kkonscious, MiddleEast, Retiro, Retreat, shamanic, trips with KK, viajar con KK, VisionQuest, wadirum
I was alone. No one to please, no one to talk to, no one to listen to, just me. Wow. I had my princess bed outside in the middle of the camp. The stars, the darkness, the silence, some animals making noise. Who is That???
by karolinakiwerska | Apr 27, 2020 | Adventure, Authentic, awareness, Desert, Morocco, Retiro, Retreat, Sahara, trips with KK, viajar con KK, Workshop, Yoga
Our last possible option of leaving Africa: cross the sea by a BOAT. After delicious “Last Supper” in Fez, another taxi at midnight and we took off toward the very north of Morocco…